Here at Osteo Oddities we pride ourselves in keeping our skulls and bones at affordable prices. Our selection of skulls & bones are professionally processed in house by staff with 30+ years of experience.
Real Green Iguana Skull (Small) - Iguana iguana - American Sourced
Real Coyote Skull - Canis latrans - American Sourced
Real North American Porcupine Skull - Erethizon dorsatum - American Sourced
Real Green Iguana Skull (Large) - Iguana iguana - American Sourced
Real Green Iguana Skull (Medium) - Iguana iguana - American Sourced
Real Groundhog (Woodchuck) Skull - Marmota monax - American Sourced
Real Bobcat Skull - Lynx rufus - American Sourced
Real Raccoon Skull - Procyon lotor - American Sourced
Real Rock Hyrax Skull - Procavia capensis
Real Coyote Skull - Extra Large - Canis latrans - American Sourc
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